Full Name; Karen Dobson
Pilot Club you are a member of: The Pilot Club of Valley Forge
Year you joined: 2014
Roles held within Pilot: Newsletter Editor, Publicity, Social Media, Fundraising, Projects, President-Elect, President (2X)
Why did you join Pilot: I was at a fundraiser event that the Pilot Club of Valley Forge was hosting. I stopped to look at their table display that included BrainMinders. Soon Pilot member Alicia Fox was by my side. She explained about the focus on brain‐related disorders and how the BrainMinders presentations were a way to engage young children in learning how to protect their brains. She also talked about the focus on caring for those who care for others. I immediately felt this tug because I have a brother who was born with a brain disorder called cerebral palsy. His name is Kenny and he is 2 years younger than me. My growing up years were all about learning how to help Kenny succeed and thrive in a world that wasn’t very user‐friendly for those with disabilities, and watching my mother be his primary caregiver for over 57 years until she, turning 80 years old, finally made the painful decision to place him in a nursing home because of her own declining health. My mom never sought recognition or reward during her years of caregiving. She just had one mission – to protect Kenny as he traveled through his appointed journey. His journey for the past 62 years has taught me much including being patient, steady, selfless and faithful. So if that was what Pilot Club was all about – supporting travelers in need – then I wanted to be part of that!
Why did you give for our 103rd Birthday Fund: I gave to the 103rd Birthday Fund because I am honored to say that I am a member of an organization that has kept its mission and focus for 103 years. Donating was my way of acknowledging that I am a Pilot SuperFan!