Do More, Care More, Be More.
Influencing Positive Change in Communities Throughout the World
Pilot Club

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Anchor Club

Anchor Club Int'l + Inspired Youth = Global Good
Anchor Club International serves to organize, encourage and support youth community service projects in Anchor Clubs around the world. We believe that young people want to give back and make our world a better place. Working alongside our parent nonprofit organization Pilot International, Anchor Clubs provide youth the opportunity to give back with organized community service projects. Additionally, Anchor provides youth with leadership training, scholarship opportunities and résumé builders.
Fewer rules. More service.
Anchor Clubs give students the opportunity to express themselves through unique, interesting and impactful community service. Anchor actively encourages our membership to be creative visionaries in how they serve their communities. How can you change your community for the better? Through contests, awards, scholarships and more - Anchor encourages you to make a difference!
Compass Club

Find your new direction. Make Lifelong friends. Impact your community.
Compass International is the young professional division of Pilot International. Compass is a community-based organization for high school graduates or young adults up to the age of 26 in the United States (Up to 28 for Japanese young adults). It is an opportunity to participate in community service, leadership skills, and advance personal and professional goals.
Are you ready to start making a difference?
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Message from the President
Happy Founders Day Pilots!
Pilot International is celebrating our 103rd Anniversary and this is simply awesome!
The work of Pilot continues in communities around the world due to the dedication of our Pilots who put service above self.
The projects that we organize provide comfort for so many. This can range from a warm blanket for seniors to a hot meal for the homeless.
Our Anchor and Compass Clubs assist us in our development of the youth, both at the high school and the college level. We are proud of this and we now take the time to thank the Anchor Advisors in the schools and the community, who assist Pilot in this venture.
Our Pick Me Ups give a little relief or smile to caregivers who may be feeling tired but know that there is no way that they can give up taking care of their loved ones. From a basket of flowers, a massage or giving them time off while Pilots assist them with their loved ones, Pilots show that we care!
The idea of Pilot started all of those years ago and today we continue the work that was started in our quest to put service at the forefront in our lives.
I am proud to have my picture on the wall at Headquarters next to Lucy B. Allen's photo, knowing that the organization has chosen me to continue leading the work of Pilot.
Pearl Sparks wrote such a beautiful Code of Ethics for us to follow. Whenever I hear the Code of Ethics read, I am filled with excitement knowing that the words written all those years ago still apply today!
Pilots, as we celebrate Founders Day around the Pilot World, remember that we share the same goals of Friendship and Service!
Enjoy Founders Day and stay Pilot strong!
President Nickola "Nicki" Dawkins